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Construction Stages

bulldozer arriving.

The dozer coming in the front gate.

bulldozer travelling down track.

Dozer heading down track near barn.

overlooking site of bank

View east along site of proposed bank.

dozer lifting out a tree

First ground being broken (to rescue a tree).

cleared area at base of bank

Topsoil cleared from base of bank.

project manager

One of the project managers overseeing operations.

Base of bank cleared of topsoil

Topsoil cleared from the base of the bank.

Topsoil cleared from most of the wetland area

Topsoil cleared from the general wetland area.

Bank roughly formed

The main shape of the bank now formed.

Bank being formed

Clay being pushed up from the borrow area.

Dozer on top of bank

Building up the wall.

Compacting the wall

The bank was formed by spreading and compacting the clay, layer by layer.

Forming islands.

Forming the islands.

Building up the islands.

Shaping the islands.

Topsoil going onto island

Finishing touches to the islands.

Bank completed and topsoil spread

Completed! Looking west.

Building up the islands.

Completed! Looking east.

Labelled aerial picture

Aerial view.

This site developed and maintained by Ian Wright.

Last updated on Monday, June 18, 2012 07:26PM.